6 Ways To Keep Your Healthy New Years Resolutions | Maryland

The celebration of a new year is a great way time to make healthy lifestyle changes. There’s a reason why so many Americans use New Years to start making healthy choices. Here are 6 ways to help you keep your healthy New Years resolutions.

Be Specific About Your Healthy New Years Resolutions

Get detailed about the goals you want to achieve. Instead of just saying you want to lose weight, specify a specific amount. Instead of just saying you want to exercise more, make a detailed schedule and devote yourself to at least 30 minutes a day. Being specific removes the space to procrastinate or start the next day. If you need help coming up with a specific goal, Bowie Internal Medicine physicians can help you create a plan that will assist you in your success!

Be Realistic About Your Resolutions

Being realistic about your health goals will help you be successful. If you haven’t worked out in years, starting with running a marathon is not a good idea. If your goal is to eat more vegetables, it would be more realistic to start off by adding one serving of vegetables then trying to quit other foods cold turkey and eat five vegetable servings a day. It’s ok to start at the beginning and work your way to your ultimate goal. Starting too extreme will only cause burnout and failure.

Track Your Success

Keep a journal or diary of your success throughout the year to help you recognize where you started and where you are present. If your goal is to quit smoking, start keeping track of the money you’re saving by not smoking. If your goal is to lose weight, keep track of your weight loss through photos.  If you’re a visual person or a list person, keeping track of your success can keep you motivated and focused on your goal.

Good Doesn’t Equate Perfection

You don’t have to be perfect or strive for perfection in order to be good or successful with your resolutions. If eating healthy is your goal, it doesn’t mean you have to give up all the other things that you eat. Start with one or two small changes. It’s all about portions. Allowing yourself a salty snack or a piece of chocolate here and there is actually proven to help keep you on track and avoid falling off the wagon in a salty binge. 

Celebrate Your Milestones

Break up your ultimate healthy New Years resolutions into smaller goals and celebrate those small wins. If your goal is to lose 30 pounds and you’ve lost 10, celebrate and be happy about that win. Healthy rewards are an even better way to celebrate the milestones and help keep you on track!

Setting Healthy New Years Resolutions in Maryland

If you need help getting your health on track this New Years, please contact us today. Bowie Health Internal Medicine is committed to the overall health and preventative care of our patients.