Have a Family History of Colon Cancer? When to Have Colonoscopy

If you have a family history of colon cancer, when to have colonoscopy screening is important to know.

The ACS currently recommends regular colon cancer screening for patients with an average risk of colorectal cancer beginning at the age of 45.

How is Colon Cancer Screening Performed?

You can be tested for signs of cancer in the colon through a sensitive stool-based test, or through a visual examination of the colon and the rectum.

How Many Years Do I Need to Get Screened for Colon Cancer?

If you are a patient who is in good health standing and if you have a life expectancy of 10 years or more colorectal cancer screening is recommended until age 75.

If you fall between the ages of 75 and 85 it is up to you if you want to continue monitoring. However, patients over age 85 should not receive colorectal cancer screening.

Who is Considered High Risk for Colon Cancer?

You are considered to be at high risk of developing colon cancer if you do fall into the following categories:

  • Patient has a personal history of colorectal cancer or history of certain polyps

  • Patient has a personal history of receiving radiation to the belly or pelvic area as a prior cancer treatment

  • Patients has a family history of colorectal cancer

  • Patients has colorectal cancer syndrome or is suspected to have it

  • Patient has a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease

 Patient with a Family History of Colon Cancer: When to Have Colonoscopy

If you have a family history of colon cancer screening recommendations are usually recommended before the age of 45 depending on who in the family had cancer and at what age they were diagnosed.

Talk to your doctor today about when to begin colon cancer screening based on your personal and family history information.

Call Bowie Internal Medicine today at (301)262-8188.