How to Make the Most of Your Telemedicine Appointments in Maryland

With the pandemic, medical providers quickly switched to providing safe, convenient online appointments. Learning how to make the most of your telemedicine appointments is key to maximizing their value.

Here are our top tips for the best telemedicine appointment.

1. Verify Coverage and Fees

Before you schedule your telemedicine appointment, you need to do a little research. Call your insurance provider and ensure that virtual appointments are covered.

Then, you’ll need to confirm the cost of the appointment, including fees and co-pays, with your doctor’s office. Having this out of the way will eliminate the stress of potential hidden fees.

More insurance providers are offering access to virtual care due to the risks of COVID-19.

2. Get Set Up

Your provider’s office will have a particular program that helps you make the most of your telemedicine appointments. Figure out which of your devices will work best for your appointment and make sure that the app works on this device.

After you’ve figured out this step, you’ll want to download the software and set it up. If you encounter issues, ask someone who’s good with technology to help out. Then, ask a friend if they will help you prepare with a test call.

The test call is important because it allows you to figure out if you have any camera or microphone difficulties.

3. Set the Stage

Once you’ve nailed down the technology piece, you’ll want to figure out the best place for your appointment. Look for a space in your home that is quiet, well-lit, and has a space for your device to sit.

Soft natural light is best to help your doctor evaluate your condition during the appointment. When the time comes for the appointment, limit noise by turning off the TV, radio, and have pets in another room.

If you regularly use medical equipment like a blood pressure cuff, blood sugar meter, you should have those items with you. Keep a pen and paper handy for any notes or instructions he or she may give you.

You’ll also want to have access to a thermometer and scale. Having your prescriptions and any nutritional supplements or herbs handy would be good too.

4. Consider Your Needs

How to make the most of telemedicine appointments is taking into account your personal needs. This means asking for an interpreter or enlisting a family member if you need help communicating with your doctor.

Neurological changes or mental health appointments may require more time for explanation. If you wear glasses or hearing aids, make sure to use those during your appointment.

5. Have a Plan and a Backup Plan

Even the best laid plans can go awry, so it’s best to prepare in case something happens. Ask whether your office will switch to a phone conference or reschedule.

Knowing what to do in this event can easy frustration in the event something goes wrong.

6. Be Patient Too

Certainly, your provider should be patient with you, but you should also be patient. Your doctor is also learning how to best use this technology.

Make sure to write out a list of questions or concerns before the visit, and ask for any instructions or plans to be repeated.

How to Make the Most of Telemedicine Appointments

With any luck, the current global situation will usher in a series of more convenient ways to do things. A greater prevalence of telemedicine appointments may be one of those things.

Learn more about scheduling a telemedicine appointment with the providers at Bowie Internal Health.