Primary Care Weight Loss Advice

Did you know that nearly half of the US adult population is considered to be overweight or obese? Not only can that extra weight takes a toll on your self-confidence and relationships, but it negatively affects your health in many ways.

If you suffering from obesity and looking for help, check out our primary care weight loss advice, below.

Hire a Medical Weight Loss Professional

The first step towards taking control of your weight is to hire a professional in the industry.

After all, obesity is a disease that requires medical intervention to be resolved.

Your local weight loss surgery center is a great place to start to speak with a professional who can curate a weight loss plan for you based on your individual needs and past health history.

Get Active

One of the best things you can do to support your weight loss effort is to get moving every day. Whether that means going for a brisk walk outside, or participating in a fitness class there are many avenues to get active in your daily life.

 Find Support

Whether you are losing weight in the traditional manner, or if you are opting for a surgical solution there is a weight loss support group that can help you throughout your journey.

Speak with your primary care physician about support groups that might best fit you to have access to a group of people who are going through similar situations to yourself.

Opt for Weight Management Services

Your health and wellness journey doesn’t end once you have accomplished your weight loss goals.

Your doctor can help you with strategies to manage your weight loss for a consistently healthy life so that you can create a daily strategy to support your results for years to come.

More Primary Care Weight Loss Advice

At Bowie Internal Medicine we are a team of board-certified doctors who are well-equipped to meet your general medical needs.  

Our doctors and nurse practitioners believe in preventative care and are capable of managing a wide range of health areas such as cardiology, gastroenterology, and more.

If you are interested in our services and would like to schedule a consultation with a member of our team, please call us today at (301) 262 – 8188.