Signs You Need to Get a Colonoscopy in Maryland

A colonoscopy in Maryland is the best way to monitor for colon polyps.

This is especially important when you consider the fact that polyps often go undetected.

In fact, ninety-five percent of colon polyps present without any signs or symptoms.

What Are Colon Polyps?

Colon polyps are growths that develop within the inner lining of the colon as the material lining in the colon changes.

Generally, these cells are supposed to mature and die.

However, polyps become a problem when the cells continue to mature without dying.

When Do Polyps Form?

The mutations that prompt colon polyps to form may occur sporadically before or after birth.

What are the Symptoms of Polyps?

When symptoms do occur they generally present in the following ways:

  • Red bloody stool

  • Black stool due to substantial bleeding

  • Anemia

  • Weakness, lethargy, fainting or rapid heart rate

And more.

Are Colon Polyps Common?

As you age, the likelihood of developing colon polyps increases. 

In fact, by age 60 at least one-third of people will develop a colon polyp.

Are Colon Polyps Dangerous?

It is important to detect and remove colon polyps as they form as they may eventually lead to the formation of colorectal cancer.

Why Is a Colonoscopy Important?

A colonoscopy is the procedure used to view inside the colon to monitor for any abnormalities including polyps. 

When polyps are detected during this exam they are removed or biopsied and examined for any traces of cancer.

Because polyps frequently go undetected, a colonoscopy is an important test to undergo to detect potentially cancerous polyps in their early stages.

Where to Go for a Colonoscopy in Maryland

At Bowie Internal Medicine we are committed to helping our patients deal with their health concerns so that they can live a happy and healthy life. 

If you are interested in our colonoscopy services and would like to schedule a consultation, please call us today at (301) 262 – 8188.