What to Include in Your Healthy Resolutions 2021

What to Include in Your Healthy Resolutions 2021.jpg

There may be a few things missing from your healthy resolutions for 2021.

While most people tend to focus primarily on eating healthy and losing weight, many people do not consider the importance of scheduling health screenings each year. 

Below are some of the health screenings that should be scheduled each year to ensure overall health and wellness.

Height and Weight

Changes in height and weight can indicate illness in many cases and should always be closely monitored. 

This should be checked every time you visit your doctor for routine visits. 

Bone Mineral Density

If you are over the age of 65 or if you have risk factors for bone mineral density issues this is an important screening to schedule. 

Blood Lipids

Every five years you should schedule a blood lipid screening to measure your cholesterol levels through a lipid panel.


Mammograms should be scheduled every one to two years for women over the age of 50 in order to detect breast cancer in its early stages.

Your doctor can also perform an exam by hand to check for lumps that may have not presented through the x-ray exam.


Recently, the age at which healthcare professionals have recommended you begin going in for colonoscopies has been lowered.

Be sure to speak with your doctor about when you need to schedule your colonoscopy screening today.


A physical should be scheduled yearly to monitor your overall health condition. 

Bloodwork and Immunizations

Your primary care doctor will be your best resource to monitor for any bloodwork or immunizations that need to be administered over the years. 

Keep Your Healthy Resolutions 2021

If you are committed to making 2021 a healthy and happy year, look no further than the professionals at Bowie Internal Medicine.

Call us today to schedule your consultation with a member of our team, (301) 262 – 8188.