Why Your Acid Reflux Might Be More Serious Than You Thought

Are you worried that your acid reflux might be more serious than you previously thought?


While occasional acid reflux is a normal occurrence, if you find that you are suffering from acid reflux many times in one week you may need to seek medical attention.

GERD is chronic acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

This can occur when your lower esophageal sphincter is not functioning properly and is allowing digestive acid to enter the esophagus.

 Symptoms of GERD

The most common symptoms of GERD include:

·      Heartburn (the most common)

·      Coughing

·      Chest pain

·      Hoarseness

·      Difficulty swallowing

·      Wheezing

·      Frequent throat cleaning

·      Regurgitation

 Who Can Help?

Treating GERD is best done through a visit to your gastroenterologist.

GERD is a serious condition which will not go away without medical intervention by a specialist in the area.

Your local gastroenterologist has the specialized training to diagnose, and treat the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

When to See a Doctor

If you are experiencing consistent acid reflux or are suffering from any of the symptoms listed below you should seek professional care by a gastroenterologist immediately.

·      Unexplained weight loss

·      Inability to perform daily activities due to acid reflux discomfort

·      Inability to sleep due to acid reflux discomfort

·      Acid reflux symptoms even after taking over the counter medicine

·      Pain during swallowing

·      Difficulty swallowing

·      Nausea or vomiting during acid reflux experiences.

·      Persistent wheezing or hoarseness.

 How GERD is Treated

When you see your gastroenterologist with your GERD symptoms that will perform a complete medical exam and may even perform an upper endoscopy.

Your doctor will also examine the lining of your stomach, duodenum and esophagus to determine cause and symptoms.

 Bowie Internal Medicine

At Bowie Internal Medicine we have physicians specializing in gastroenterology medicine who can help to diagnose, and treat your GERD symptoms.

To learn more about the services, we offer at Bowie Internal Medicine or to schedule an initial consultation call us today at (301)262-8188.