Bowie Internal Medicine

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Best Gastroenterologist in Maryland | Traits to Look For

When it comes to GI care, you want to be in the hands of the best gastroenterologist in Maryland. Gastroenterologists treat a number of conditions that affect the GI tract, such as GERD, acid reflux, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s.

In this post, we break down the traits of the best GI care providers.

Calm in the Storm

Treating GI conditions comes with pressure. The best GI doctors know how to make rational decisions in emergency situations.

Beyond that, gastroenterologists need to be able to offer perspective and a sense of calm for their patients. Knowing that your care provider is working on a treatment plan can relieve some of the stress and anxiety you may experience with your condition.

Good Communication Skills

Doctors who specialize in gastroenterology study many years to learn the complex workings of our GI tract. As patients, we don’t have the same educational background.

This is where communication comes into play. Can your doctor explain what you should and should not be concerned about?

The best gastroenterologist will be able to explain to their Maryland patients the information they need to know about their condition and treatment.

Part of good communication also means being able to listen to your doctor’s advice. Can you have a back and forth about how these changes work with your lifestyle?

Part of a Team

A great GI doctor knows how to work as a team. Chronic conditions need to be managed with continuous care.

This means that your doctor should be able to collaborate with your other health care providers. This consistency will ensure that your health care from other providers doesn’t adversely impact your GI care.

Best Gastroenterologist Maryland

If you’re looking for GI care in Maryland, check out the providers at Bowie Internal Health. Schedule a consultation to learn more.